In recent years, data breaches have become a serious issue for many businesses, with widespread wp-content/uploads coverage of data theft and hacking causing damage to various companies’ finances and reputations globally. MJ Flood along with Konica Minolta know that protecting your data is key to your business. That is why the Konica Minolta bizhub multifunctional devices embed the highest level of security, and with bizhub SECURE, we can provide you with an extra layer of comprehensive protection, ensuring that your data stays yours, without interrupting the flow of data in your office.
The bizhub SECURE service can be activated on any Konica Minolta bizhub multifunctional device, either on-premises or prior to delivery, so no matter the size of your business, you can operate with confidence. Once bizhub SECURE safeguards are in place, you can be sure your print data will enjoy uncompromising security protection. Your bizhub multifunctional device and its hard drive (HDD) will be protected to ensure your data is more than just secure – they’ll be bizhub SECURE!
DATA – Your most valuable and vulnerable business assets
Of all your business assets it is quite possible that your data is the most valuable – and most vulnerable. But securely safeguarding those assets could not be simpler: bizhub SECURE protects your documents, data and corporate information.
Key considerations for your printing security
Data protection
Your device can be protected via several encryption and overwriting methods, keeping the data in your bizhub safe. This protects data stored in your bizhub and data passing through temporarily. With bizhub SECURE, the data in your office can flow safely, with no risk of security breach.
Protect sensitive documents by storing them in a password-protected box or folder on your bizhub’s hard disk. For an extra level of security, the hard disk can be encrypted, so even if it is stolen and access is attempted by installing the hard disk elsewhere, the data will be secure.
Automated rules enforcement
When you print a document, the data is temporarily stored in the multifunctional device. With bizhub SECURE you can set a time limit for how long your device stores this temporary data, to make sure data is not left where it may tempt attack. You can even select different time limits for certain box files on your bizhub’s hard disk.
What is covered? The following features are included in bizhub Secure
✔ Change the Administrator password
✔ Encrypt the entire contents of your bizhub hard disk
✔ Create a secure alphanumeric password to lock down your bizhub hard disk
✔ Eliminate any trace of data even after it has been deleted with Temporary Data Overwrite
✔ Time your bizhub multifunctional device to auto-delete any material located in electronic folders